“Stop. Listen.” (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) by davezombiee

A Proliferation of Cats

G. C. Pate
1 min readOct 28, 2016

A proliferation of cats around her door,
like she was their queen, they mewled and they pawed
but she hated cats, and her road was too full
the three legged one was particularly cool

One would oft bait her from on top of the shed
from where it would jump in her window, its head
would startle her now and again — even me,
so one day she decided to face up to the beast

She phoned me quite proudly, to say she’d outstared
its flinty green eyes as it coiled and prepared
to alight on her window ledge, as if it belonged
she had hissed at it, taught it
its rights from its wrongs

I laughed, and considered a theory I’d had
that my fabulous feline had been here before,
once covered in fur, with four legs and a purr
for it was true she still owned her sharp teeth and her claws

I had loved the cat mask that she wore, playing poker
it had suited the shape of her face so well
I’d convinced her to clip on the tail to her rear,
I’d a mind now to get her a collar and bell



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